Newsletter #7 – Easter 2022

Happy Easter Dear Friends

Once again we would like to share our story with you and so join us to celebrate the goodness of the Lord. The “lockdown” is over but now adjusting to many changes.

Bushfire Childrens Home

We continue pretty much with the same number of 94 children and all are doing well and in school. Thank you for your prayers and support even through the pandemic. Older children continue on a public school whole we contemplate the future of the secondary school. We shall continue with only three trade skills and that is: tailoring, hairdressing and vehicle mechanics based on demand.

College students

We have two older children finishing their courses this year and we would appreciate your prayers for them to finish well. One is undergoing hairdressing and the other will be instructing others in due course.

Working Bushfire children

A good number of our children have jobs now and we constantly check on them. Often times they send some little support and we are encouraged by that. Some have stayed on after their training and helping in various departments at Bushfire. This includes our two sons Joseph and Isaac who are managing a few other areas and giving us unspeakable joy and relief.

Bushfire Clinic

The Clinic has had its challenges due to most families struggling to pay a little for the services. We would like cost sharing but their part has been minimal so we are trusting we can keep it running. Health needs are a huge issue in this part of the country but technically it is a poor village as well and it’s the reason we came in to make a difference and build hope where possible.


The planting season started in march and so far rice fields have been prepared (needing a bit more rain though) plus sunflower already flowering for the purpose of pressing oil at Bushfire. We had a huge setback last season due to a long drty spell and we lost so much. We’re pressing oil for our own consumption and selling surplus to meet other basic needs. The good news is that we got our oil samples passing the test in the National Bureau of Standards laboratory. Now we have a one year permit and it’s a big deal.


Our Rice and Maize mills are running ok and provide jobs for our older children who run it themselves and so far so good. They have managed to maintain the machines and pay the bills plus keep a small income for themselves. They’re giving a small percentage towards Bushfire general activities and think this it’s the best way to go.

Community outreach

The Bushfire Church family and Bushfire Home children are reaching out into the community with the message of hope, providing small basic needs to the widows and elderly. We’re providing soap, salt, sugar, basic medication/First aid and clothing to the most vulnerable and taking them to hospitals for further management in our vehicles.


Apart from the Bushfire Primary School, the base has kept busy running a Diploma Bible class for Church leaders in our community., and we expect to run a ten week Certificate in Discipleship Training programme in a few weeks time. This will be in conjunction with a South African Christian programme – Foundations in Cross-Cultural Education (FCE). THey will run this on our property and we hope to maintain the programme even into the future.

We are setting ourselves up to have most of you, our dear partners, directly engaging with our staff and children online for One-on-One counselling, training and other practical input you may want to offer. I do appreciate your input in the past while visiting us on-ground but realise the situation has changed but we can revise ways of connecting again.

We have a young energetic white South African couple jouining us in a few weeks time for long-term service at Bushfire. They worked with us during the lockdown last year exhibiting such stamina and character that we are delighted to have them return. Steve is a qualified engineer and Tanya a medical doctor. WE believe they will make a huge difference working with us and will add value to the programmes with their amazing talents and skills, PLease pray for their provision as they prepare to come and the financial support while volunteering at Bushfire. Both have a wealth of skills and a heart for young people.

Once again, thank you so much for your kind support over the years and still do.

SAm & EVa Kitalya

Bushfire Ministries


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